This Sunday, I met with my friends. I have known her since we were junior high school students. At first, I went to her home to catch her and we went to a shop to rent CDs. I rent Chara's three CDs. * :) ♪ After that, I bought some notebooks for the course. We took print club sticker, and read some magagine but I didn't buy anything. Then we move to a place of main purpose. We went to a broiled meat restaurant for lunch!! :D ☆★☆!!! We were so excited. I often use that restaurant with my family, but that was a first coming to that place for her. We ordered various kinds of much meat!! and EAT TOO MUCH.! ;D*** My stomach was so swollen. We talked our recent happenings for a long time. One of clerk was acquaintance with her, so he treated one drink for us. I ordered melon soda, but I was full so I couldn't drink it all. After that we went to karaoke. We have staied there for three hours. I was still full, but we sang alternately. After that we went to her house. I was given short cake by her mother. I gave my friend souvenir from US. I gave a fashion magazine. She seemed to be pleased, so I relieved.
Then I back home.
This Monday to Friday, the course have kept. I was so busy and so tired. We learned mathematics and economics. I like humanistic subjects than science and mathematics, so that was so hard for me. I was so tired on wedenesday, but I standed to take the course. After that I went to a shop to buy magazine and a comic for reward for me.
I have wanted to buy this comic since last summer, but I couldn't have found for a long time. I read that during the way to home in train. I pleased that one, so I'll buy the other kinds of that. I'm exaiting.♪"
After I back home I talked with my mother about that course. I didn't wanted to go that, so I decided to rest Thursday. I noticed that I didn't have much time to rest since I back here, so I slept long time the next day. :D ☆ I felt good!! and at t hat day I decided to do what I wanted to do.♪♪♪** I watched TV and Internet and read many comics and slept long time. Those were so fun. I thought it was not bad to rest. That's why I could refresh and concentrate Friday's course. To tell the truth, I was lazy that day too, but that was final day of this week's course, so I endured.
That course will keep next Monday and Tuesday, but I must take examinations of spring term next Tuesday to Friday, so I can't take Tuesday's one. I've studied for examinations still now with rest too. I'll do my best. ★!☆
・・・but I want to watch KAELA's LIVE on TV.
540w :D☆
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