Yesterday, I went to rental shop after school. We can rent with cheaper price CD and DVD on the day with 5, so I rented three CDs. I wanted DVD too but I had bought a magazine, so I didn't have enogh money to rent that. However, that DVD had already been rented by someone.

Many peole came there, so there were many cars and I faced an uphill struggle to park and go out. I couldn't go out easily, so I must have waited to go back neighbor, but he came soon, so I could back hame. I feared to run into other cars but I relieved to be able to back without accident. 149w
Hi! Do you know me? I know you.
Why dont you join face book?
Hi, thanks for your comment:D
OK. That's good:)
When you joined facebook, find me if you can! Ha ha.
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