This day's breakfast were pancakes. Chocochips or blueberry were inside them. My host father made that. Those were delicious. In addition, we ate Canadian sour potate chips too.
We took many pictures each other in the car with tricks.
First musuem was closed but they persuaded to be able to watch to a woker and we could enter the building. There were some pictures which chinese student took. Some of them were so cute.
There were interesting photographs, but not so many so they serched another museum.

We drived near here. I had been to this openair restaurant with my host family to eat dinner before, but I couldn't had taken picture at that time because I put my camera in my host house. We had eaten various hamburger. I had been surprised the size of that and drink but they were so delicious. In addition, I had thought I had been in an American movie too.
In addition, many advertisement were on a board like this.
We drived near here. I had been to this openair restaurant with my host family to eat dinner before, but I couldn't had taken picture at that time because I put my camera in my host house. We had eaten various hamburger. I had been surprised the size of that and drink but they were so delicious. In addition, I had thought I had been in an American movie too.
In addition, many advertisement were on a board like this.
Here is the outside of the passage. I found this guide. I felt fresh because there are't markers for bike in Japan.
total 12463w (-2537w)
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