Friday, October 24, 2008
Yesterday, I met one of my friend at a station. I and she went to same junior high school and high school. She goes to the university near my university. We meet once in a while. At first, she didn't notice me, so I called her. She was little surprised. We've met before summer vacation and I talked about my summer vacation plan at that time, so she've known that I've been to U.S for one month. However, we haven't met since that time, so it seemes that she've worried about me. I've staied safety in U.S. I asked her summer vacation. She said that she joined a filming as an extra with her mother and they saw two of famous actresses in my city. I had known a filiming would do but I didn't know who would come. I've thought that film was not so famous.
October total 2797w -1209
Aug, Sep, Oct total 5518w - 9483
(320w each day)
October total 2797w -1209
Aug, Sep, Oct total 5518w - 9483
(320w each day)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Boxcar Children

Yesterday and last Sunday, I gathered pet bottles with my circle members to make objects for cultural festival. We said our action liked homeless. However, these four children in this book were real homeless. In fact, there are many people like that in many places. I heard the rule was made. That regulate for homeless people not to take foods in garbages. When I heard that, I was surprised and I was sorry for them that joking. They make a desperate effrot to live. I thought my worry was so small compared their one. It is happy to have home, and be able to eat foods every day. This book and that experience let me know those things.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Part time ...???!
Oh my gosh!!! :0 She wasn't her home. Her mother said "I heard tomorrow is English day. " No! TODAY is English day, and tomorrow is Math day. Another teacher teach her. But she said that changed this Friday. I didn't hear that too, and it isn' t related me. I'm little angry now. I telephoned the office because her mother told me the other teacher would telephoned me, but he haven' t hear that too. He'll confirm her. But I don't know when he tell me. :x I don't know why she said so. I think she saw that situation in her dream, but I DIDN'T see that. I'm sorry to my circle member. I couldn't help preparation and tomorrow too.
Recently, I am soooooooooooooooooooo... BUSY!! :( and so tired, but I'll try to do my best for cultural festival!
By the way, I lost my digital camera. I'm so shock. If you find a pink case, please tell me.
but I found lucky news. Salyu will come to Fukuoka next spring, so that ticket's detail came to my mail box.
Of course I sined up the reservation for the pre-drawing. I want to go that at all cost.
Today is my part time job's day. I'll try not to sleep, so I'll take a nap from now.
By the way, I lost my digital camera. I'm so shock. If you find a pink case, please tell me.
but I found lucky news. Salyu will come to Fukuoka next spring, so that ticket's detail came to my mail box.
Of course I sined up the reservation for the pre-drawing. I want to go that at all cost.
Today is my part time job's day. I'll try not to sleep, so I'll take a nap from now.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Home alone3
Tonight we can watch "Home alone3". I have wanted to watch that movie two weeks ago, so I waved if I go to lental shop, but a week ago, I knew that movie would be broadcasted. It's good timing!! Thank you Kinyou roadshow:D I watched that first when I was about 10 years old in my friend's house with some of my friend. I hadn't watched foreign movie so much, so that was fresh for me. That movie's season is winter, so I come to want to watch that at the season. I'm looking forward to watch that tonight. I've already done to make sure to record to the player.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recently, I often watch Disney movie. One day during this summer vacation, I was too free, so I decided to watch movie. I had some Disney's videos, and I chose one of them "Snow white" because I often wore a T-short which printted Snow white this summer. I was addicted to the video beyond expectation, and the movie brought me back old memories. My mother bought these videos when I was an elementary school student, so I often had watched these movies at that time. However, I haven't watched that for a long time. I could watch that with various view. I think many people can enjoy Disney movie.
Last Sunday, I found old video of "Alice in Wonderland". That movie was recorded from TV program, so that started the middle scene and finished too. That was a pity, but I was fun. When I was a junior high school student, I lent my 101's video to one of my friends, but when she watched that, the videoplayer in her room was broken so that video was broken too. That plobrem had already settled but I've wanted to the new 101's video or DVD for a long time because that is one of my favorite movie of Disney. However, at last I got that in this summer. I found that DVD in Disney store and I bought that soon. Now that DVD is in my room, I'll watch that at my free time. In addition, many Disney movie about Halloween will be broadcasted soon. I'm looking forward to watch them from now.
○●○262w :)●○●
Last Sunday, I found old video of "Alice in Wonderland". That movie was recorded from TV program, so that started the middle scene and finished too. That was a pity, but I was fun. When I was a junior high school student, I lent my 101's video to one of my friends, but when she watched that, the videoplayer in her room was broken so that video was broken too. That plobrem had already settled but I've wanted to the new 101's video or DVD for a long time because that is one of my favorite movie of Disney. However, at last I got that in this summer. I found that DVD in Disney store and I bought that soon. Now that DVD is in my room, I'll watch that at my free time. In addition, many Disney movie about Halloween will be broadcasted soon. I'm looking forward to watch them from now.
○●○262w :)●○●
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
30 July
This day's ESL, we learned about Self Esteem. It seems that is one of the proplem in America among young girls because of media. However, out teacher said "It's important not to compare others. You are you." "I am I." I remember and like that phrase. To compare me with other people is unless thing. I think it's important to improve myself.
After ESL, we learned Health Care in America. There are many differences between Health Care in Japan. For example, insurance in America is too expensive, so many people are uninsured, and if they are sick or injured they are unwilling to go to hospoital. I think it's dangerous and that system should be reformed.

We took lunch at OCB (Old Country Buffet). A clerk was cheerful person.
There were various kind of foods, but we didn't have enough time so we ate these foods hastily.

After the lunch, we went to "TARGET". I saw that shop in various places. I had many things which I wanted to buy but I only bought a CD at that shop.
We enjoied there.
I guess I got a little carried away...

After I back home, I and my host father and host sister went to Japanese food restaurant. We ate sushi. I chose octopus, but they had never eaten that so at first they were afraid to eat that but after they ate that, they pleased and they said they would try again. I relieved.
After we back home, I made choco tip cookie with my host sister. She is so good at cooking, so I learned many cooks by her. Next day, I brought them to school, many people said "It's delicious." I was glad to hear that.
282w ♪
We took lunch at OCB (Old Country Buffet). A clerk was cheerful person.
There were various kind of foods, but we didn't have enough time so we ate these foods hastily.
After the lunch, we went to "TARGET". I saw that shop in various places. I had many things which I wanted to buy but I only bought a CD at that shop.
We enjoied there.
I guess I got a little carried away...
After I back home, I and my host father and host sister went to Japanese food restaurant. We ate sushi. I chose octopus, but they had never eaten that so at first they were afraid to eat that but after they ate that, they pleased and they said they would try again. I relieved.
After we back home, I made choco tip cookie with my host sister. She is so good at cooking, so I learned many cooks by her. Next day, I brought them to school, many people said "It's delicious." I was glad to hear that.
282w ♪
Monday, October 13, 2008

This story is about a man. From this story, I realized again that the life is affected by people and the environment around us. This story's main character Anthony, people around him called him Tony, decided to work in a farm because of his mother's advice and situation of the farmer, and at that time, he was 13 years old. Some of his friends worked in factories or shops, but he didn't want to work there. When he rested with his friends during working, they found a piano near the farm, and he wanted to play that. After the short time, a girl came there to give him a present from his family. She was a daughter in the farmer's family. She moved his playing, and praised that so much, but he didn't believe his ability so much. However, he remembered a pianist who saw him when he was young. From that day, he came to have piano on his mind. He learned the piano by the girl Linda. They enjoied that. One day, a man who worked in village school heard his playing, and he moved that, so he recommended to let him to go to music school to the farmer. He could practice piano every day, and he ran a competition. He won that, and he gradually became famous pianist.
I'm a student now, but I will work a few years later. My position is similar to his 13 years one.
I've waved about the job which I'll do. I had the three job which I had been interested. However, recently, I couldn't have adress one job and I've sturuggled too. Each job have good point and not good point, so I didn't realize which was the best for me, and which did I want to do . I talked with my parents many times, but those answers were not so different. I was said that I could decide slowly, I had much time to do. However I wanted to decide soon, and these situation were pain for me. One morning, my father said for me "You could decide the job which you wanted to do". From this march, I've taken a cource. That cource was little hard for me, and I came to be interested in the other one of three. I had taken a cource last year. That is the other one. In addition, I found the information of a cource in this spring. That is the one which I'm interested in so much, so now I want to take that course next year. I've recommended for a long time to do the course which I take now, but he said me " If you didn't want to take that one, you could take the other one." At that time, I was excited. I think he noticed my tiredness and condition. Now, I've not dicided clearly but I feel things is moving. I'll search about that job carefully, and study for qualifications that the job demanded. I'll make plan for my future and execute to be able to spend my life with pride like Anthony.
Stockholm is the biggest city and the capital of Sweden. The population is about 750 thousand, and that is the biggest population in Northern Europe. It's increasing still now because of immigration. Recently, they have begun to form their own communities.
Stockholm is one of the model city "Koriko" in "Kiki's Delivery Service". That story was written by Eiko Kadono and filmed by Hayao Miyazaki.
There are various kinds of museums in Stockholm. The National Museum owns about 500thousand rough drawings from the Middle age to 1900's and porcelains, paintings, sculptures and collection of modern art.
"Pippi on the Run" is the famous story in the world. That story was written by Astrid Lindgren.
She was the editor and author of Swedish juvenile book. Her book were translated for about 70 countries, and published by over 100 countries. She wrote thier book for her daughter. This series were sold over one hundred million and 3thousands in the world.
Recently, Northern Europe miscelaneous goods are popular in Japan. "IKEA" is the store which deals Swedish furniture. That store expanded to Swiss, France, Germany, Denmark, America, Canada, China and Japan. It is so popular store in the world.
I saw that store in Minnsota :) ♪
Stockholm is one of the model city "Koriko" in "Kiki's Delivery Service". That story was written by Eiko Kadono and filmed by Hayao Miyazaki.
There are various kinds of museums in Stockholm. The National Museum owns about 500thousand rough drawings from the Middle age to 1900's and porcelains, paintings, sculptures and collection of modern art.
"Pippi on the Run" is the famous story in the world. That story was written by Astrid Lindgren.
She was the editor and author of Swedish juvenile book. Her book were translated for about 70 countries, and published by over 100 countries. She wrote thier book for her daughter. This series were sold over one hundred million and 3thousands in the world.
Recently, Northern Europe miscelaneous goods are popular in Japan. "IKEA" is the store which deals Swedish furniture. That store expanded to Swiss, France, Germany, Denmark, America, Canada, China and Japan. It is so popular store in the world.
I saw that store in Minnsota :) ♪
Friday, October 10, 2008
I love Magazine. I buy various kinds of magazines, Fashion, Music, sometimes literature. But there are so many magazines in store and they are published short term. I have many favorite magazines, so my money is often crunch. I'll buy them with planning. I think recently,there are many similar fashion magazines. That is so monotonous for me. I think each magazines had originality when I was junior high school, but now same fashions on many fashion magazines. I've read by an article that the problem is because of climate.
Thursday, October 9, 2008

I love this season every year. Of course, I like other seasons, but this season is special for me. Not too hot and too cold, so I can spend daily life comfortably. I'm excited when I talk about that winter will come soon with my friends or my family and I come to want to listen Xmas song from this season every year. I enjoy to imagine decorations in town or Xmas songs in shops and I become happy. When I went to library and chose some book, I just found this book, that is about Xmas season!! I decided to borrow this book immediately. In this book, there were many situation of Xmas, so I had fun so much.However, this week I didn't read this book often, so I couldn't understand enough. I read this book all, but there were many points which I couldn't understand. This time, I borrow the book which have written by many words to improve my reading skill, but I noticed my vocabulary is so poor. I felt frustrated during I read this book, but I believe to continue is so important, so I'll try to improve my vocabulary, idiom and grammar skill.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
29 July ②
It looks like here is dishes corner.
Stars on the top are so cute. I like here's design.
That hand sign was fresh for me: D
I thank you too:D ♪
63w (week 1 539w)
29 July ①
and under this tree.
There was so confortable and we can refresh.
After lunch, we went to "Eagle Crest Assisted Living" That was nursing home, so there were many elderly people. That was beautiful building including the inside. We were explained each room, and when kindergartners came to mix well with elderly people, we were idly looking out of the situation. They were so cute and seemed enjoying.
The way to the home after school, we went to various place to find number plate from different states. We could find some new plates.
After dinner, I went this shop with my host mother.
Friday, October 3, 2008
From this week, I teach English for junior high school student. She is 3rd grade, so she'll take examination to enter a high school. She said she was not good at English, but I thought she was smart when I taught English. I had thought I should have teach for two hours on Tuesday, but that was wrong, I teach one hour only. I was introduced that job by my high school's friend. Her brother works a compeny to visit to teach, and he looked for someone who can teach in my city. At first, he said he wanted to let teach Math too, but I'm not so good at Math, so I asked him to be able to teach only English. He asked me many times to teach Math too, but I didn't want to teach Math strictly, I didn't have confidence to do that then He said "OK, I'll teach someone who can teach Math." He found soon, so she is taught by two persons. When I went to her home on this Tuesday, she had got a dog. That dog was so small and cute.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Anne Frank

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