This story is about a man. From this story, I realized again that the life is affected by people and the environment around us. This story's main character Anthony, people around him called him Tony, decided to work in a farm because of his mother's advice and situation of the farmer, and at that time, he was 13 years old. Some of his friends worked in factories or shops, but he didn't want to work there. When he rested with his friends during working, they found a piano near the farm, and he wanted to play that. After the short time, a girl came there to give him a present from his family. She was a daughter in the farmer's family. She moved his playing, and praised that so much, but he didn't believe his ability so much. However, he remembered a pianist who saw him when he was young. From that day, he came to have piano on his mind. He learned the piano by the girl Linda. They enjoied that. One day, a man who worked in village school heard his playing, and he moved that, so he recommended to let him to go to music school to the farmer. He could practice piano every day, and he ran a competition. He won that, and he gradually became famous pianist.
I'm a student now, but I will work a few years later. My position is similar to his 13 years one.
I've waved about the job which I'll do. I had the three job which I had been interested. However, recently, I couldn't have adress one job and I've sturuggled too. Each job have good point and not good point, so I didn't realize which was the best for me, and which did I want to do . I talked with my parents many times, but those answers were not so different. I was said that I could decide slowly, I had much time to do. However I wanted to decide soon, and these situation were pain for me. One morning, my father said for me "You could decide the job which you wanted to do". From this march, I've taken a cource. That cource was little hard for me, and I came to be interested in the other one of three. I had taken a cource last year. That is the other one. In addition, I found the information of a cource in this spring. That is the one which I'm interested in so much, so now I want to take that course next year. I've recommended for a long time to do the course which I take now, but he said me " If you didn't want to take that one, you could take the other one." At that time, I was excited. I think he noticed my tiredness and condition. Now, I've not dicided clearly but I feel things is moving. I'll search about that job carefully, and study for qualifications that the job demanded. I'll make plan for my future and execute to be able to spend my life with pride like Anthony.
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