Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tea celemony~☆
Last Wednesday, I joined my circle's tea ceremony. That ceremony was held by second grade mainly. That's name was Aoi chakai(葵茶会). Firstly, I wouldn't join it because I would a course after that, but my name had already registered, so I should be joined. I was so nervous because I didn't practice many times, but at first I took part of person who give dessert to guests, at that time I was nervous too but these guests were so kind, so my mind was little changed. After that, I worked as a person who help main person, at that time, we made tea for new four guests. I thought they were little nervous, but at final they looked like enjoying, so I was happy too. I think I could little brush up this time.(138words)
8th typing home work -Foreign countries-
I'm interested in many foreign countries, the U.S., France, the U.K., and so on. Of cource I love Japan. However, there are many countries in the world, so I want to go various countries. My parents love to trip to foreign countries, so I went to some countries to trip when I was a elementary school student. We went there mainly summer or spring vacations. However, I wasn't interested in foreign countries at that time, so I didn't like to trip so much., boy now, I think I'm luckey.(95 words)
Friday, May 30, 2008
30 May =diary=
Today is the anniversary of the foundation, so holiday!!:-)
I'm so happy. I could sleep longer than normal days. I ate Somen as lunch, summer will come. On afternoon, the temperature dropped, so I went for a walk around my house unusually. I walked about an hour, and I found and saw many flowers, and green natures. It is said that green is good for eyes. Recently, under my right eyes have often twitched. My mother said it is because of tiredness of my eyes. After I gave careful consideration to that things, I found that I often use my eyes too much. For example, watching Internet and TV for a long time or reading book after I was tired and usintg mobile phone. Today, I thought that I should take care of my eyes afresh. Therefore, I must remember basic things. There are to watch things at light and far place, or not to watch for a long time. After I was tired, I should rest my eyes, and message not to be illness of eyes. That things is important to for another parts of my body, so I thought it is important to do lively with conversion. Today, I could refresh so much. (205words)
Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'll introduce about my favorite movie "BACK TO THE FUTURE". This movie is very famous all over the world and many people loves this movie, but I haven't watched it since this spring. I have known this movie's title but I haven't known that's detail at that time. However,after I watched, I was so admired and so impressed. I want to reccomend if I find people who haven't watched this movie. This movie is Science Fiction. I haven't interested in Science Fiction movie for a long time, but now that idea was changed.
This series has three stories. I'll introduce first story of this movie. In 1985, Martin was a high school student and he liked rock music. He lived in Hillvally. He and Doc. were friends. They were experimenting a time machine which developed, but suddenly Libyan people who were deceived by Doc. about acquisitioning of plutonium which was used as fuel for the time machine, and Doc. was killed by them. Martin run away from them with time machine and went to 1955. He couldn't return in 1985 because that fuel was run out, so he looked for Doc. at that time. However, he met his parents on the way to that, and he interfered their fateful encounter. He found Doc. barely, but Martie had changed his history because he had met thier parents, and he found he would dissappear if he would do nothing, so he made the relationship of his parents close somehow. After that, he could return in 1985 with energy of thunderbolt for time machine. When he returned that time, he found some changes. His father had confidence and became novelist which was his dream, and his mother hadn't admitted Martin and his girl friend, Jenifer's relationship, but that changed. Therefore, they were going to go to godriving, however, suddenly Doc. appeared with time machine and said them that their child in the future was being in tight corner, so they followed him reluctantly and went to their future.
Originally, this movie was decided to conclude in one installment, but when this movie was broadcasted on television, stuff added "TO BE CONTINUED" at last scene as joke. Then many people who watched that requested to make sequel, so hurriedly that made as series.
At the beginning, refrigerator was going to be used as time machine, however, that idea stopped because children might imitate that action, and that is dengerous ifthey can't go out.
An control for radio control was used when Martin and Doc. experimented time machine. That control was made by Japanese factory "Futaba Kougyou". In addition, Martin filmed that situation by video camera. That video camera was made in Japan too. We can see the word JVC(Japan Victor).
After I found that, I was glad to concern Japanese things to this movie.
I had some favorite two sayings in this movie. There were said by Doc. One is "It is dengerous to change history after we knew the future. We can know things at that time." I often worry about my future, but from this saying, I could think should live now with my best, but I think it is important to have wide view too.
The other one is "If you have confidence, you can do that. I know the saying "If you do, you can do things that you want to do." From this saying, I noticed it is not good to worry for a long time. I should change to action.
I think to trip foreign country is "BACK TO THE FUTURE" too, because of time difference.
In addition, one day my friend send an e-mail to me. That e-mail was a message of congratulation on my birthday. However, my birthday was three days after the day, so I thought this happening was like "BACK TO THE FUTURE". (639 words)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tigger Comes to the Forest / BOOK REVIEW

Tigger who is a small tiger looked for his breakfast for Pooh who is a small bear and Piglet who is a small pig and Eeyore who is donkey. However, he didn't all of foods who were given him, so he couldn't eat breakfast for a long time. Christpher Robin who meet them on the way advised to go Roo's home. Roo is a kangaroo, so they went there. Roo have a baby, and that baby caught a chill, so Roo gave him liquid medicine by spoon, and Tigger helped that. Suddenly, that medicine entered Tigger's mouth. Remarlkably, he liked that, so he got that as his breakfast.
I pleased theb saying which Piglet said to Pooh, "I think that he's been strengthened quite enough." I little surprised Piglet's character. I've thought he was quite, so that was fresh for me. Some pictures are in this book, and these made me relax, so I could refresh by reading this book. In addition, I thought Tigger should eat without likes and dislikes if he want to be strong.(177words)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I washed my sneaker this afternoon. I rarely wash my shoes by myself up to now. However, recently I often think to wash or clean is so fun, because that action let my mind clear too. I'm glad to see dirt go out from my sneaker. Today was rain, so I couldn't dry, but it seems that tomorrow will be sunny, so I will do that. I heard that room conditions express our mind condition too. I think that is true. When I'm busy, my room is messy, so I will clear deliberately things which used to place that was, and keep my mind clear.(105words)
This week's typing speed homework
I thought that I wasn't good of science field for a long time, because I didn't have much experiences that I took good score in that field. However, now I'm interested in that, because one day a person said "Study is connection." I was so effected that saying. After that I came to all of the things are one, and things I study is a part of that. Therefore, I want to chalenge various fields with interests.(80words)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Essay draft for movie
Part1: Introduction
-produced year
-film company
Part2: Contents
-story of this movie
-the background of this film
-my opinion
-produced year
-film company
Part2: Contents
-story of this movie
-the background of this film
-my opinion
Morning and Night
Recently, I haven't gotten up the time to get up, because I have slept late. The reason why I do so is lately bath time, so I will go there earlier time. I often use internet, so I should decrease that time. I should go out 6:50 am, but recently the time that I have prepared completely is late about 15 munites,so I'll go to bed before 12:00 from today. I feel strange to sleep aftter 12:00 because that the time is overed pass day.(85words)
Thursday, May 22, 2008

We might think this story is good with Rick's eyes. Rick is this story's main character. However, I think there are some strange points in this story. First is Rick's character. He hasn't steady job. He lives with his interesting, but I think we can't live like him in real life. Real life isn't so easy. Next, his wife Mary. She got out their house because she was disgusted with living with Rick. However, she came to Rick's LIVE and waved friendly to him to let her know to him. I really think she is so freak. At the middle of this story, Rick make free with Sarah who meet first, because of an accident, so I don't please that point. In addition, at final of this story, Sarah let him know the existence of Mary, but Rick said "I don't know that woman." I wonder if he don't know really. I thought he pretended not to know her. However, I like the point which tell us the music is so fun. In addition, there are various faces of lives.(180words)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I went to Nurubon with my parents. Nurubon is roast meat restaurant in my city. We often go there each my family event or when we want to go there. Tomorow is my birhday, so we went. Today, I woke up before noon, but I ate breakfast and lunch late, so I wasn't hanger completely. Therefore, I ate roast meat littler than usual but I ate two ice creams, so I'm satisfied. Tomorrow, I will be 20 years. Today I thought about my teenage. I experienced various things includes good things and bad things, but I want to think and believe all of them let me my happy future. I will do my best to accomplish and get things I want and I shold do from now on.(128words)
This week's typing speed homework
I will take TOEIC test after three weeks. However, I haven't study for it yet. I study that with a text book. When I study problems, I write check beside the ploblems and after I solved that, I put out that. Usually, I study English at classes and those homeworks, but I think it is passive way for me. Of course, I think it is important to digest that, but simultaniously, I think I should decrese knowledge with other way and use that positively.(84words)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Essay prep for movie
My weekend plan
I have many things which I want to do on this weekend. First, I will buy a music magazine after today's school. However, there is one thing which I wave. That is a book shop stuff. I don't like that shop stuff because she is not polite for customers. I think job of survice is important to think about customer. Therefore I wave where I'll buy it. In addition, I will finish homeworks today and tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll go to restaurant to eat yakiniku with my parents because next sunday is my birthday!! I'll be 20 years. My 20s will starts and 10s will finish. I'm little sad to graduate 10s, but I think I can experience many fun things from now. Therefore, I welcome my 20s with joyful.
After I finished homeworks, I will go to shop to rent movies and CDs( but I don't have much money, so I wave this). Now, I want to see "Tokyo sora".(160words)
After I finished homeworks, I will go to shop to rent movies and CDs( but I don't have much money, so I wave this). Now, I want to see "Tokyo sora".(160words)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Kumamoto Essay

I will introduce about Arao city I live. Arao is located in north Kumamoto, Kyuusyu, Japan. I will introduce that with 3 main characteristics. First, I will introduce about Arao's famous place and food and festival. Green land and Urutoraman land is famous place in Arao. Those two places are near my house. Green land is amusementpark. There are various attractions, ferris wheel, corkscrew, hounted house, amusement arcade, rides for child. In addition, there are various kind of restaurant. For example, fast food, curry, noodles, Itarian and so on. Some of corkscrew are famous because only Japan or only Kyusyu. Urutoraman land is locared next to Green land. There are located by people of many generations. Many attractions are there too, so children are pleased, and special services are offered. For example, taking a photograph with Urutora soliders, and getting a square piece of thick paper with autograph on birthday, and Urutoraman cerebrate at restaurant on birthday. 2500 goods are in the shop. Special rooms of Urutoraman are there in hotel next to the land, so family which come from far place are excited and other people too.
Next, I'll introduce about AraoKouensai. This is a festival of Arao, and be held two days in August. That was started in 1993. At this festival, various kinds of entertainment are held. For example, playing drum, contest of festival queen, Sanoyoi dance. At 2003's festival, performance of body-building and playing by street musicians are hold too.
Next, I'll introduce Arao pear. Arao pear is very famous brand under the Kumamoto. That weight is about 7.5kg, so that is very big. This pear is grown covered with bag and sold by the roadside near pear garden. In addition, we can buy that by Internet.
Next, I'll introduce about popuration of Arao city. Now, that is 56,536 ,and that 63,098 decreas from 1985. Women of that is 30,021 , and men of that is 26,515.
From 1972 to now, the number of women exceeds by men. Either of that have decreased from 1985. However, there is one thing which have increased. That is the number of household. That changes by year, but that have increased from 1988. I think this is affected by the increase of apartment buildings and renewal town. Seeing per generation, 55 to 59 years people are most, and women of that is 2683, men of that is 2630. I think those people was born after second world war. Finally, I'll introduce famous 3 peoples in Arao. First, Miyazaki brother. Hatiorou Miyazaki(1851~1877) is most oldest person of them. He absorbed campaign of the people's freedom rights. Minzou Miyazaki(1865~1877) dreamed to pioneer China, but that couldn't achieve. Yazou Miyazaki (1867~1896) was a thinker, and he loved China. The house where they were born is an appinted historicsite of Kumamoto, and we can visit by free. The second famous person is Kaidatu Kimiko. She was praised as person who has precious ability of poem by Hakusyuu Kitahara, and she was attracted as a girl of poem of child free poem from end of Taisyou era to beginning of Shouwa era. She died after her high school's graduation ceremony by sudden illness. However, she recorded great works with quality and value on literature magazine for child "Akai tori" and now she is one of special person of Japanese juvenile literature. The third person is Hideki Sekijima. He is a singer and song writer. He was born in Arao, and now he lives in Shiga. He sing about nature and great thing of home town and importance of contact with family, and he contacts various kind of people. His poem written by English is introduced to foreign countries on home page of the cabinet. He often appears to 24 hours TV.
~ Conclusion ~
This time, I serched my home town Arao city. I thought that is connected with my character. Greenland and Urutoraman land and Kouensai operate on my liking for going events. In addition, I could know again I went to same high school with Kimiko Kaidatu and Hideki Sekijima. I'm honored by that thing. After I searched, I found many things which I don't know in my accused city, for example, the house where Miyazaki brothers were born, so I could find many new things. I'm glsd to know that. In addition, I want to read books about Kimiko Kaidatsu and know her world. I'll find joy of Arao city which I don't know.(742 words)
Essay for Kumamoto
【Essay for Kumamoto】
Arao city is located in north Kumamoto,Kyusyuu,Japan
Main Idea:
1. Characteristic of this city
3.famous people in this city for example, Miyazaki Touten
Supporting Details1:
1. Green land and Urutoraman land 's characteristic
2. Kouensai year that started contents history
3.pear characteristic, size sell,selling place, how to sell
Supporting details2:
1. era of Manda coal mine
2. now
3. part of generation
Supporting details3:
1. Miyazaki Touten
2. kaidatu Kimiko
3. Sekijima Hideki
This city's various kinds of histories are reminded with changes
Arao city is located in north Kumamoto,Kyusyuu,Japan
Main Idea:
1. Characteristic of this city
3.famous people in this city for example, Miyazaki Touten
Supporting Details1:
1. Green land and Urutoraman land 's characteristic
2. Kouensai year that started contents history
3.pear characteristic, size sell,selling place, how to sell
Supporting details2:
1. era of Manda coal mine
2. now
3. part of generation
Supporting details3:
1. Miyazaki Touten
2. kaidatu Kimiko
3. Sekijima Hideki
This city's various kinds of histories are reminded with changes
Eigahen (映画篇) / Japanese Book ☆

Recently, I have a book in my bag. That is this book. This title is "Eigahen". I knew about this book on news paper. When I found this book, soon I thought I wanted to read, so I cut article about this book, and pasted my diary to keep remembering. Then the other day, I was bought this by my mother, I had some book which I wanted to buy, so I wavered little time which I would be bought then I decided this book. I read only first story, but already many movie titles appeared, so I'm so interested about those titles. Those titles appeares connected to stories, so that is so easy to read. After I have read this book, I will make rist of movies which I want to watch, and watch them. Watching movies gives us to new worlds and new sense of value, and makes my inner side rich. Therefore I love movies.(158words)
The Nutcracker / BOOK REVIEW

In this story, a girl who is main character meets an army. That army is her doll. He helps her in her dream when she have troubles. She doesn't so care about him, so at first she is confused his appear, but gradually, she come to look up to him.
I often watch dream when I sleep too. The other day, I had an impressive experience. I write diary everyday, and one day, I write about my dream which I had watched. I read that diary after a little bit long separation then I was surprised. That happening which I had watched happened actually. I have heard that sream often express our feeling and condition, situation. Therefore, I think it is fun to be able to read that from my dream, and that become our hint for problems when we have some proplems on daily life.(146words)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's day
Today was mother's day, but I couldn't say "Thank you." to my mother because I argued with my mother. I planned to massage her shoulder. I thought I should improve myself.(31words)
Week 5-Food and eating habits / Typing speed homework
I often eat food with my body turned right, because I heard eating with like that is good for digestion by a TV program.Therefore I often sit at left to my friends at lunch. However, that is secret for them. In addition, I sit in my house too. My family often have dinner with watching TV,so I sit my body turned right. However, I think it isn't good for communication.(70words)
Friday, May 9, 2008
Golden week has already finished. I'm little bit sorrow, but I'll do my best for now. I will some qualifications's test at next month. Therefore I'll make plans for studying tomorrow and study. I read on a paper which that test's explanation. On that there are some sentences that person which get best score will be gave prize, so I want to get it. I' ll study with enjoying. My policy is "Never give up!".However, I think action is important too.(81words)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
☆GW 5,6★
This two days were especially special days for me. It is no exaggeration to say I have lived for these two days. I went to Fukuoka to join my favorite music group's LIVE with my friends. First day, I went there with my two friends and next day with a friend. We waited a bit long time at first day, but we had great time after that. I felt as if that two days were magic and dream. I'm glad that I got wonderful experiences and people, things concerned them. Now, I'm basking in the afterglow of that, but I do things which I should do. This year's golden week was so great days for me. I'm happy to spended with these wonderful things my final teenage year's golden week.(130words)
★GW 4★
I went to Crea with my friends. I've never been there, so I was so interested there. There were various kind of shops. I thought there was so good for shopping. I bought T-shirt and skirt. I will go there when I want to buy clothes and so on. I ate pasta for lunch. It was delicious. After that, I bought stickers. I will stick those stickes on mobile phone and notebook. I'm excited now. My friend drived car and took us. In the car, we talked various things. That was so interesting. I had a good time. I'm oblige for them.(102words)
☆GW 3☆
I went to hair salon with my mother. I was cut my hair after an interval of eight months. Seeing my cutted hair fall down, I felt my stress and bad emotion were removed from my body. I was cut my front hair,so I was told "Your vibration changed." by many people. After I was cut my hair, my feeling become clear. I think my new start comes.(68words)

This story was published 100years ago. It has been loved by many people and many countries. I have ever watched musical video of this story when I was a junior high school student, but I didn't deliberate about this story at that time. However, now I think I have something connection with this story. My parents tripped to this country when they married, and my name is connected by that country's name. In addition, my aunt tripped there some years ago. I think I and Anne have something common. For example, the point of doing fantasy. She experienced various things, but she got over those things with forward-looking feeling and action, so that is so attractive. This story is good of description of scenery like apple's flower. I want to go there someday and I live with forward-looking and real.(140words)

Ken Harada is a photo grapher. He took a photo of Takahanada and Kumiko Okada's date shot for a weekly magazine. Takahanada is Sumo player, and Kumiko is actress. After that, she took a taxi. He felt something bad. A man with a gun looked Ken. He run out quickly. However, he was taken by him, and covered his eyes by cloth, and was bound by lope. He sat on chair, and thought about how to go out. Suddenly, he remembered his teacher. That teacher said him "When you take a photograph you choose what you want to see." I was admired this sentence and decided to keep remembering. I think we can apply this sentence to our life. Finally, he was helped and the man was caught, and Ken returened to happily life.(134words)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I like listen to radio program. I have listened that since I was high school student. There are various kind of programs. Radio's good point is only listening. I think TV program's infomation is too much. There are vision, music, word and so on, so that don't give us the time for imagine. However, Radio is only sound, so we can imagine the situation. In addition, we often can listen new music before TV programs so then I think that is special. I often listen to radio program when I eat breakfast or lunch on holiday and if the weather is sunny, I feel happy.(105words)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Last week I absented writing class, so today I contribute SELF INTRODUCTION again.
I made my self introduction for Eibei kaigai kensyuu, so I will write on this blog too.
My name is Kana Sakashita. I'm a second grade student in this university. There are father and mother and older brother and a dog in my family. My brother lives himself because he goes to university in next prefecture. Now, he studies hard to get his job. My city is famous by a theme park and pear. My city's pears are so big. I will tell you about my character. I often be told "You have a wide range of your character." I have been told like that since I was child., so recently I realize that I have manifolds character. For example, I'm so quiet when I meet people who I meet first or I'm unfamiliar with, but when I meet congenial people, I talk too much and become high spirit.
I like listening to music, and to buy CD, and to collect CD. I mainly listen Japanese music, but recently I'm interested in foreign music too, but I don't know which I listen to do. In addition, I'm interested in design. When I was a high school student, I thought I would go technical college of design, but I can draw only scribble level's pictures. However, I want to learn design sometime. I'm interested in art field, so I want to museums. I like American things coloration. For example, that can be seen on sundry goods and TV programs and so on. I want to expose those things. I also like to watch sports game. On this spring vacation, I went to watch volley ball game with my friend. I was happy to watch players who I have liked for a long time. I will watch various kind of sports game by my eyes directly.
In addition, I love to go music live events. The event when I was high school student was so impressive for me. That event was held in the open air. I went there with my friend and I enjoyed too much. Then I love those events, so I went an open air music event last summer, and last winter, I went an event which was held in a hall, and the other day, I went to live house to watch a group's live. I went those events with my friends. Live house is narrow space, so I felt fresh experience for me. In addition, this may I will go a group's LIVE for two days. I got that first day's ticket by TV program's drawing, so I can experience that near the group. I'm exciting from now.
My pastime are watching movies and reading books, but recently I am busy so I can't do that.
My favorite movies is "BACK TO THE FUTURE". I watched that this spring vacation, and I was so impressed and admired that content. I want to watch that many times.
My speciality is calligraphy. I have learned that for ten years. I have a lisence to teach high school student. In addition, my boast is flexible body.
Recently, I'm interested in photograph. I want to take pictures in various places and various sceneries, and I want to be able to take that like photographer someday. However, I only watch pictures now.
In addition, I like take print-club stickers. I have liked that since I was an elementaly school student. I like to take that and to collect too. When I tripped to Guam with my family, there was a print-club sticker's machine so I took that with salesclerk in that shop's explanation.(601 words)
I made my self introduction for Eibei kaigai kensyuu, so I will write on this blog too.
My name is Kana Sakashita. I'm a second grade student in this university. There are father and mother and older brother and a dog in my family. My brother lives himself because he goes to university in next prefecture. Now, he studies hard to get his job. My city is famous by a theme park and pear. My city's pears are so big. I will tell you about my character. I often be told "You have a wide range of your character." I have been told like that since I was child., so recently I realize that I have manifolds character. For example, I'm so quiet when I meet people who I meet first or I'm unfamiliar with, but when I meet congenial people, I talk too much and become high spirit.
I like listening to music, and to buy CD, and to collect CD. I mainly listen Japanese music, but recently I'm interested in foreign music too, but I don't know which I listen to do. In addition, I'm interested in design. When I was a high school student, I thought I would go technical college of design, but I can draw only scribble level's pictures. However, I want to learn design sometime. I'm interested in art field, so I want to museums. I like American things coloration. For example, that can be seen on sundry goods and TV programs and so on. I want to expose those things. I also like to watch sports game. On this spring vacation, I went to watch volley ball game with my friend. I was happy to watch players who I have liked for a long time. I will watch various kind of sports game by my eyes directly.
In addition, I love to go music live events. The event when I was high school student was so impressive for me. That event was held in the open air. I went there with my friend and I enjoyed too much. Then I love those events, so I went an open air music event last summer, and last winter, I went an event which was held in a hall, and the other day, I went to live house to watch a group's live. I went those events with my friends. Live house is narrow space, so I felt fresh experience for me. In addition, this may I will go a group's LIVE for two days. I got that first day's ticket by TV program's drawing, so I can experience that near the group. I'm exciting from now.
My pastime are watching movies and reading books, but recently I am busy so I can't do that.
My favorite movies is "BACK TO THE FUTURE". I watched that this spring vacation, and I was so impressed and admired that content. I want to watch that many times.
My speciality is calligraphy. I have learned that for ten years. I have a lisence to teach high school student. In addition, my boast is flexible body.
Recently, I'm interested in photograph. I want to take pictures in various places and various sceneries, and I want to be able to take that like photographer someday. However, I only watch pictures now.
In addition, I like take print-club stickers. I have liked that since I was an elementaly school student. I like to take that and to collect too. When I tripped to Guam with my family, there was a print-club sticker's machine so I took that with salesclerk in that shop's explanation.(601 words)
~Fortunatelling②~FOR LAST WEEK'S ESSAY
I have read that my high school days was tough luck on a magazine. Really, I have felt something cubweb long time when I was a high school student, so after I read that, I came to think my high school was so wrong, and I hated that after I graduated from my high school. However, one day I said so to my friend. I expected her to say similar thing because other my friends said like that, but she said "I looked like you were enjoy your high school life." I was little surprised, and after I heard that, I came to remember my happy things which I experienced in those days . I little thought that perhaps I connoted to myself my high school days were too bad, by those sentences and those things were especialy focused ,so I will live with my good and hard past things , and study from those things for now and my future.
I wrote "Life is repetition of joy and hard ship, but we need not to scare to hardship there were many disguesting things which will come to us, ause that is the happy thing's omen and term of exercise to get new joy,so I will confront to that and enjoy to catch the happy wave.(216 words)
I wrote "Life is repetition of joy and hard ship, but we need not to scare to hardship there were many disguesting things which will come to us, ause that is the happy thing's omen and term of exercise to get new joy,so I will confront to that and enjoy to catch the happy wave.(216 words)
~Fortunetelling①~ FOR LAST WEEK'S ESSAY
I often check fortunetelling by magazine or internet or mobile phone. Sometime they are various kind of contents, but sometime they are so similar as if they arranged thatcontent. Recently, I often think what is fortunetelling , who is fortuneteller. I think life is repetitation of joy and hardship. We encounter various people and things and situation, and we got various each feeling each time. In addition, we image other people's feeling. There are much fregment of stuation and we find various side of people's character, so we are influenced much things every day. Therefore, I think we assimulate our each happening to fortunetelling, so we think the fortunatelling is pretty close.(112 words)
【Essay for Kumamoto】
Arao city is located in north Kumamoto,Kyusyuu,Japan
Main Idea:
1. Characteristic of this city
3.famous people in this city for example, Miyazaki Touten
Supporting Details1:
1. Green land and Urutoraman land 's characteristic
2. Kouensai year that started contents history
3.pear characteristic, size sell,selling place, how to sell
Supporting details2:
1. era of Manda coal mine
2. now
3. part of generation
Supporting details3:
1. Miyazaki Touten
2. kaidatu Kimiko
3. Sekijima Hideki
This city's various kinds of histories are reminded with changes.
Arao city is located in north Kumamoto,Kyusyuu,Japan
Main Idea:
1. Characteristic of this city
3.famous people in this city for example, Miyazaki Touten
Supporting Details1:
1. Green land and Urutoraman land 's characteristic
2. Kouensai year that started contents history
3.pear characteristic, size sell,selling place, how to sell
Supporting details2:
1. era of Manda coal mine
2. now
3. part of generation
Supporting details3:
1. Miyazaki Touten
2. kaidatu Kimiko
3. Sekijima Hideki
This city's various kinds of histories are reminded with changes.
First day ~Golden week~
I have many plans for this Golden week. I will tell my first day's plan. Tomorrow, I will go to hair salon. I haven't cut my hair for eight months!! Now, I counted that, and I was surprised. Eight months ago is August, last summer. At that time, I was asked hair salon's stuff to cut my hair so short because summer was so hot! Therefore I wait my hair be long. Now, my hair is middle long, so I will ask to decrese that's volume. In, addition, my front hair is long too, so I have thought these days what my front hair should I do. I think my front hair keep long or cut,but I can't decide that thing now, so I decide to talk about that with salon staff.(132words)
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