Tigger who is a small tiger looked for his breakfast for Pooh who is a small bear and Piglet who is a small pig and Eeyore who is donkey. However, he didn't all of foods who were given him, so he couldn't eat breakfast for a long time. Christpher Robin who meet them on the way advised to go Roo's home. Roo is a kangaroo, so they went there. Roo have a baby, and that baby caught a chill, so Roo gave him liquid medicine by spoon, and Tigger helped that. Suddenly, that medicine entered Tigger's mouth. Remarlkably, he liked that, so he got that as his breakfast.
I pleased theb saying which Piglet said to Pooh, "I think that he's been strengthened quite enough." I little surprised Piglet's character. I've thought he was quite, so that was fresh for me. Some pictures are in this book, and these made me relax, so I could refresh by reading this book. In addition, I thought Tigger should eat without likes and dislikes if he want to be strong.(177words)
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