Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My thinking from my experiences⑤
I register a blog in a space for my favorite sites on my PC. I am attracted various kind of things and I often find reports which introduces something which I have been interested in. I think the blog's manager and my inetrests are so similar. A day, I found a impressive article on the blog. According to the article, the manager works at a select shop now, and she save money to go to Tokyo for her dream. It is to work at a accessory store which sell her favorite things. From that time, I couldn't have forgotten that, because I had thought so too. In fact, I told so when I was recorded on my speech about my future's plan at speaking class. In addition, recently I have been interested in to live in Tokyo, because when I had taken part in JAL's success symposium, the branch thief told us that it gave us something good stimulus and that experience would become spices of our life. I was attracted the talking. Now, I want to consult about those things with someone. There is a sentence "All things which happens in my life is omen." in a book which I have ever read. This sentence was the shocking for me when I read that, because I have thought for a long time what I sould choice and advance by and when that things would come to me, in my life. However, I have come to think that there are many my keys of life in my life since I read the sentence. In addition, I think we should have consciousness about which I want to do and which I want to be in my daily life, and it is important to embody them. I think this idea is based on my experience in last summer. However, I have worried about income. I am interested in books too. In fact, I take courses to obtain qualifications to be a librarian. I think the job's income is secured. I think we can't live only our dreams and longing, but infact, there are many people who works as their dream. However, to live so needs much of effots and ability. Now, I don't find the way which I should do, but I think it is important to work what I should way which I should do, but I think it is important to spend our time of life, then the way will open and I want to push forward not to walk on my life which I want to make. Because of writing this sentences, I could face myself, and retrace past events from my high school life. I think that I important things which I need now, and I felt life was kept now by past points. I think that I will understand important thing which I need now, and I felt life was kept now by past points. In addtion, the future points depend myself.(509)
My thinking from my experiences④
I was still asked to design for some thing. For example, I draw some pictures or messages or my homeroom teacher's presmenta at his birthday. It seemed that he was pleased. In addition, I designed pictures on my class's space of our school's miscellany when we graduated from high school. It was also gotten favoritablr review. After I had entered at Kumamoto Gakuen University, I have forgotten about design by my daily life, but at a day, freshman of our circle decided to make each parka. Therefore, we gathered and reflected on design of the parka each other. I reflected on some design too, and showed them other members then they liked those designs and we elected the one of most favorite designer each other. I was very glad to be adopted my design and I remembered the pleasure. In fact, when the parkas were completed, I felt a lump in my throat, and as often as they said "This is so cute." I was little bashful. Before the spring term when I was first grade of university finished, I found a news. It was the news about airline course during summer vacation at a technical college in Kumamoto city. I was very lucky, and I appliedit daringly. Now, I thought that the experience wasn't definitely useless thing for me. There were many important points which influenced me to live in future. For example, to be a good listener and to have the idea that awake what I want to do in my life and get chances by K-mail, and a letter of JAL's success symposium from the technical college which I had taken part in airline course during last summer. I took part in both of explanations with my friend. From those experiences, I was presented with real life as cabbin attendant. I had only abstract images as my longing for working as cabbin attendant, but the other side of the coin is that there are hard contents of the work. For example, very irregular shift and so on. Now I confuse about the issue which I should do truthfully.(351)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My thinking from my experiences③
I reflected what to write and I decided to write about cabin attendant which I have been wishful for a long time. Now I think that I wrote so at that time, so I gradually choose my course about mainly English field or international culture field. Then my second grade of high school finished. Between spring vacation before new terms start, I decided to be a member of picture group. The group took charge of a picture which were used by "HITOMOJI". "HITOMOJI" is my school's sport festival's feature. I felt a sense of fulfillment during I made one thing with other members in the group. I think that those days were most excited day through my high school life. After the sport festival, the life of full-dress preparation for examination begun. When I was a first and second grade of high school student, I couldn't keep up with pace of study. Therefore, I had been lazy about study, so I must have study hard to get mush of knowledge, and that distressed me. However, those experiences lead me to think that I won't do it again in university life and my future, and to arise cleary my consciousness that I do what to do when I should do, but I often postpone what I should do when I am off my guard, so now I think that I should improve that point. I gathered materials of universities which I was interested in during summer vacation when I was a third grade of high school student. In the materials, there were contained about the college of art or technical college which teaches study to work at accessory store. However, I should have gone to technical college of art to take examination of the college of art, and there weren't jobs which I was attracted on the materials, so I abandoned to go there. Now I think that I couldn't ascertain what I really wanted to do and I tended to be influenced by people around me. I have read a term that we should discard something when we choice something. I think the term isn't substantially wrong, but I want to live greedily and not to regret because my life is only once.(374)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
My thinking from my experiences②
I designed a square piece of thick paper which gave a teacher who came to my school as Assistant Language Teacher when he would back to his hometown. I was very glad to be pleased many people after I gave something which I designed. That's why I came to be interested in technical college of design and think that I want to go there after I graduated high school. From those days, counseling on our future course was came to execute in earnest. However, there were many people who aimed to pass the university examination in my school,so my school's speed of study was so quick. Those days,I hadn't my idea of my course clearly,so I have thought those studies were meaningless for me and I haven't studied hard. Now, I think if I had deliberated my course with face each other, I would have studied harder. I said my parents that I wanted to go technical college of design but they didn't admit it and they recommend me to go university with consideration my future.In addition, when I talked with supplementary private school teacher, I said that I wanted to go technical college of design, but he took no notice of my saying. I really felt frustrated. After the day, I heard the reason why he did so. That was because I hadn't any prises of design and the plan had risk for my future. After I knew that, I reflected my redundant confidence. Before I became a three grade of high school students, home room teacher gave out a piece of paper to students. We requested to write each future's plan and so on on the paper.(288)
My thinking from my experiences①
Recently,I often think deeply about my future's job. I have been wishful to be a cabin attendant since I was child. However, the job was only my longing at that time, and I didn't know how to be that, but my wish that I become a cabin attendant grow up with my age. While I wished so, I came to be interested in field of art, for example,design or interior and so on. The reason why I came to so dates back to my school days. A summer vacation's day when I was a high school student, I had fun with my friend in my house and we vaguely started to draw a picture by using PC. Probably, we gathered to study each home works at that time, but we were completely absorbed in drawing it. Then a picture which we can't call good but we were completely absorbed in color's one. We pleased that one so we printed out by printer. After printed it out,I pasted it on a paper of my print-club stickers note book. A day in the new term, I showed my print-club note book to one of my friend who was in same class with me. Suddenly, she called my name and I was asked her to give the picture. She asked me to print out it for her. I hesitated what to do during short time because I thought that the picture was vaguely special for me. However I decided to give it to her because I wanted to make her be pleased. I think that I didn't have to give it to her now. After I gave it to her, Some of other friends came to me and asked me to give it for them. I didn't like them because I had disgusting experiences by them and we weren't close friend so I couldn't permit their attitude. However, I gave it to them because I thought it was good for me to become our relationship good, but now I think I needn't have done so. They wouldn't change not so much. From this experience, I think I should give my favorite things only people who I like and thank and be taken care of when someone come to me ask me to gave them. However, there is a good point from that experience. It is confidence in my ability painting. In that , I would draw pictures with consciousness my imagination from those days, and I came to be asked to draw pictures for posters or decorations when we held some events in class. When I was second grade's student of high school, I was often asked to draw some pictures on my classmate's note book by many of them. (446)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I like to apply to prizes. However, I didn't apply them until this year. The reason why I came often to apply them is that I won a prize at the beginning of this year. At the beginning of this year, I found the news of preoder drawing. It was the preoder drawing which my favorite music group's ticket of live event. I found that on their website which I happened to see. I think I wouldn't mind it before that time, but at that time, I was different because some reasons made me so, I think so now. At first, the closing date. It was the next day, so I hadn't much time to reflect. Next, it was involved by my experience. The music group planned two kinds of live events. Therefore, I went to buy the first live event's ticket but the band had been very popular with too many people and they had been famous, so regrettably, I couldn't get the tickets. It seemed that the tickets sold out inside ten minutes. That's why I thought that I wanted to get that all costs. Therefore, of course I didn't know that I would won the prize but I applied with my hope. The days from that time. I must have submitted many reports, so many dead lines approached me. Incidentally, the final dead lines of reports and the publication day of the election were same day. The day, I haven't submitted the last report yet, so I made it on the eve of the dead line. I thought many times that I wouldn't be able to finish. However, my senior who and I are members of same circle holed on it too, so I could submitted it barely. At that time, I thought that I sould complete with a margin for time. Then I prepared to go home and went out my school. When I took a bus, I remembered the preoder. I read the detail of the preoder when I applied it, and it was written that the news of election would send e-mail only winners. However, the e-mail hadn't sent to my mobile phone, so I thought that I was defeated in the election, but just to make sure for confirmation, I opened the website and inputted my application number. After I inputted it, the page got to became renewal and I saw the word that meaned election. At first,I couldn't believe it and I thought I wrong but it was true. I was glad to know that news and I wanted to shout to express my delight but no one who I know in the bus, so I send e-mails immediately my friends who I promised to go to the live events if I could be elected. My friend delighted too. From the air I was glad more and more. Then there are some procedures before the tickets arrived my home, but I was enjoy all of them. The live event will be held on 'Golden Week' holidays in this May. I have been ache since I knew the news. I thought it is important to ascertain chances for myself. However, I think I should be careful not to apply to illegal or risky things.(541)
~*based on 12th March's my diary*~
This afternoon, I went to my friend's home with other friend.We have been friend when we went to same high school. That friend goes to university in Tokyo, so we haven't seen since we had graduated from our high school. We saw after a long separation, but we didn't feel such a long time each other. They are so unique and individual, so I was happy and glad to talk them. In her house, we talked about respective schools life or recent happenings. I saw my friend's photographs in her mobile phone. In them, there were famous members of the Diet. I was very surprised to see them because I only watched them on TV. According to her, her friend took part in some party and acquaintance. Her friend is college student too. He seemed to be rich. I thought that various people live in Japan afresh. Many people live in Japan and there are home environment too. I thought that that's environment was natural for him. The man has two Benz. One is for him and the other is for his girl friend. I was surprised too much. In addition, his family has cottage in foreign country. According to her talking, she questioned him "Do you want to be a member of the Diet?" as a joke. However, he answered "I wonder that I will do so." so she was surprised and I was so too. From this talking, I thought that the saying that the personal destiny have been decided since we were born was not wrong. However, we don't know our destiny, we should think things which we like and which we want to do and think the way which we can grant for each realizations. In addition, I want to fulfill my life. I don't like to regret.
I watched a painter on TV. He has obstinate disease, so he can't walk and talk easily. His mother takes care of him, and he often become feverish, but he lives with all his might. I was so impressed by him and ashamed when I reflected recently my life. I have spent my free time lethargically. I slept late night every day after I watched TV programs and woke up late morning or often afternoon. There are many people who want to live long time but because of some reason they can't. Fortunately, I am health now, but I worried excessively about petty things. After I watched the TV program, I admitted Being a fool and depended many people around me like my family. I have hands to write and legs and feet to walk and run, and mouth to eat and speak, eyes to see, ears to hear, brain to think. Therefore, I will live and use them and times effectively.(464)
I watched a painter on TV. He has obstinate disease, so he can't walk and talk easily. His mother takes care of him, and he often become feverish, but he lives with all his might. I was so impressed by him and ashamed when I reflected recently my life. I have spent my free time lethargically. I slept late night every day after I watched TV programs and woke up late morning or often afternoon. There are many people who want to live long time but because of some reason they can't. Fortunately, I am health now, but I worried excessively about petty things. After I watched the TV program, I admitted Being a fool and depended many people around me like my family. I have hands to write and legs and feet to walk and run, and mouth to eat and speak, eyes to see, ears to hear, brain to think. Therefore, I will live and use them and times effectively.(464)
~*based on 11th March's my diary*~
I have a friend in Kanagawa. She goes an university in Kanagawa. We have been friends since we were elementary school students. We went to same junior high school. However, we went to different high school, but we have learned penmanship so we have seen once a week. That time we talked about various things and often be fool, so we often made our teacher cross. I left it when I was 2nd grade in high school because I must have prepared my studying for university examinations. Then she left there too. After our examinations finished, we had pastime but when the day before she went to Kanagawa, I was little sad, and I went to her house to give her to my letter and presents. In addition, she returns by vacation, so we and other friends have good time. Next week, she will return to Kumamoto, so we promised to go somewhere with other friends on e-mail, and during the e-mail, we talked about Kanagawa and wedecided to visit somewhere in Kanagawa in next year's spring vacation, so I will save money for that. WEe planned various exciting things. I can't wait the days and I want to visit there early!! I'm looking forward to visiting there.
Today, I saw my friend from my high school days. We have gone there by same bus. We had gone to different junior high school, so we didn't know each other, but soon we became friends. Yesterday, we promised to see today. She will go to university in Miyazaki from this spring. At first, we went to rental videos and CDs shop because she wanted to go there. She rent three DVDs. Then we went to sundry goods shop. I haven't been there, because the shop is new, so I haven't known about it. However, the goods in the shop are so cute and so fancy. Therefore, I was fascinated soon. There are various shoes and clothes and sundaries so I gazed various things long time. I wanted to buy the one couple of shoes. That shoes was so cute. That surface was red and green's check. I waved in my judgement to buy or not so, but eventually I didn't buy it, because I had little money. However, I found good thing. It was a money box, but it was different normal. A calendar pertains it . On that calendar, numbers are printed and the number increses by one yen day by day, so we should save money along the number. In addition, the final day, 31th December, about 60,000 yen has been saved. However,this year's case, the highest acount of save a day is only 366yen. It is easy for me to save money. I didn't buy it, but I will try it from today.(465)
Today, I saw my friend from my high school days. We have gone there by same bus. We had gone to different junior high school, so we didn't know each other, but soon we became friends. Yesterday, we promised to see today. She will go to university in Miyazaki from this spring. At first, we went to rental videos and CDs shop because she wanted to go there. She rent three DVDs. Then we went to sundry goods shop. I haven't been there, because the shop is new, so I haven't known about it. However, the goods in the shop are so cute and so fancy. Therefore, I was fascinated soon. There are various shoes and clothes and sundaries so I gazed various things long time. I wanted to buy the one couple of shoes. That shoes was so cute. That surface was red and green's check. I waved in my judgement to buy or not so, but eventually I didn't buy it, because I had little money. However, I found good thing. It was a money box, but it was different normal. A calendar pertains it . On that calendar, numbers are printed and the number increses by one yen day by day, so we should save money along the number. In addition, the final day, 31th December, about 60,000 yen has been saved. However,this year's case, the highest acount of save a day is only 366yen. It is easy for me to save money. I didn't buy it, but I will try it from today.(465)
Monday, March 17, 2008
~*based on 9th March's my diary*~
I went to "Obiya" to buy my kimono which I wear in Coming of Age's ceremony. I went there with my parents. At first, I would leave my house at 9:00 but I woke up that time because I sat up late last night. I think I should sleep early. We went there by my driving, but I hadn't hear that so at first I was little surprised, and I looked my mother was little nervous, and she said "I think it is dangerous.", but my father said "I will teach her." so I did that. It was my first experience. I often drive around my city but I haven't driven to Kumamoto city. However I was relieved because we could arrived there safely. The shop's brunches were often delivered my home I wondered why they knew my home address. I have decided kimono which I would be bought by my parents,. Therefore, the shop owner has already prepared. Obiya has been there for one hundred years. I think change of shop in the arcade is volatile but the shop has been needed many people. We could buy it smooth. I'm happy to buy Kimono which I wanted to, I thank for my parents and I'm impatient for Coming of Age's ceremony. We could go out the shop afternoon so we went to go to Hamakatu to eat lunch. My mother said "My city's Hamakatu is noisy, but here is refined." After we ate lunch, we went to Tamana. Today's weather was rainy, so roads were gotten wet so I was little thrilling but we could return safety too. At Tamana, I was bought DVD-RW and micro SD for my mobile phone and FM stereo transmitter by my father. I use DVD-RW to record my favorite TV programs, and I often record TV commercials too because like TV commercials. I think they are so creative and I often be surprised unexpected ideas. I found that by using micro SD, my mobile phone can be used as digital camera, so I will take many photographs and print out. In addition, I can listen to music inside MD in my car by using FM stereo transmitter.
After we arrived our home, I and my mother went to see my grand father in a hospital.
I see my grand father about once a week. When I go there, he smile and be seemed pleased, so I will happy. My mother show him the photograph which I wear the kimono in Obiya. He was excited. I want him to live long time.(428)
After we arrived our home, I and my mother went to see my grand father in a hospital.
I see my grand father about once a week. When I go there, he smile and be seemed pleased, so I will happy. My mother show him the photograph which I wear the kimono in Obiya. He was excited. I want him to live long time.(428)
~*based on 9th March's my diary*~
Recently,I want to buy four DVDs. All of them are music DVD. I have some music DVDs. I like music DVD because I like music promotion videos. In fact I often come to like various music because of promotion videos. There are many creative, beautiful, interesting, cool, horrible, comfortable promotion videos. They are often influenced the music, but sometimes I watch music is dark but promotion video is so enjoyable. That point is characteristic of promotion video too. In addition, I like music festival so we often can watch music LIVE performance on DVD. I can't go music LIVE it be held on weekday because I go school, so I'm glad to be able to watch on DVD. That is one point why I like DVD. Recently, CD with DVD are often sold, and there are usually be sold as limits period disk, so I often buy it because I think that if I waste this chance, I will never watch it. However, there is limit of money, so I think I should ascertain that that CD is really need for me.
I want to go three live music events. The first is "SHAKA LABBITS"'s one. It has been ten years since the group came out. I listened their music when I was high school student . They published their best album last month because this year is tenth anniversary for them. In addition, their live tour will start. I want to go their live event but my friends don(t listen their music, so now I search people who can go it with me. The band's vocal is girl. Her name is UKI. She is so cute and her fashion is so creative and individual. I want to be able to dress like her. Her fashion is never influenced by trend and she is a woman of great resolution, so I am often impressed those points. I have her artist book. In the book, there are photos of her fashion and so on... That book makes me happy, so I think good influence. The second is "YUKAWA SHIONE"'s one.I haven't listened her song so much but when I listened her one song I think so cute!! It similar to children's song , but I was so comfortable by her song. In addition, her world is unique so I want to go her live event.(394)
I want to go three live music events. The first is "SHAKA LABBITS"'s one. It has been ten years since the group came out. I listened their music when I was high school student . They published their best album last month because this year is tenth anniversary for them. In addition, their live tour will start. I want to go their live event but my friends don(t listen their music, so now I search people who can go it with me. The band's vocal is girl. Her name is UKI. She is so cute and her fashion is so creative and individual. I want to be able to dress like her. Her fashion is never influenced by trend and she is a woman of great resolution, so I am often impressed those points. I have her artist book. In the book, there are photos of her fashion and so on... That book makes me happy, so I think good influence. The second is "YUKAWA SHIONE"'s one.I haven't listened her song so much but when I listened her one song I think so cute!! It similar to children's song , but I was so comfortable by her song. In addition, her world is unique so I want to go her live event.(394)
~*based on 8th March's my diary*~
I went to "Kumamoto Kenminn Kouryuu Kaikan" to take part in success symposium of JAL. I took airline course at a school in Kumamoto city last summer. In there , I learned manners or decency and works content of cabin attendant by teacher who have worked as cabin attendant. The letter about the success symposium was arrived from the school.JAL Kumamoto branch's branch chief came to talk about JAL. During the talking, there was questions time. At that time, a student questioned him "Why did you want to work in the airline world?" He answered "I want to know and visit various world because it is regrettable to stay in only Japan." That was so impressed me because I had thought that too, but I have forgotten long time, so it was good opportunity. In addition, it is the reason why I want to work the airline world. JAL's headquarters is in Tokyo, so he said "To come and to work in Tokyo will good experience on your life." Recently, I have been interested in Tokyo too, so I think that saying influenced me. After the success symposium, I went to "Mr. doughnuts" with my two friends who took part in it too. I bought three doughnuts. In the shop, we talked about various thing. For example, kimono which we will wear at Coming Age Ceremony, and part-time job. I would do it during this spring vacation, but I didn't it, because the shop which I have telephoned to work wanted people who can work wanted people who can works long time.
We enjoyed that chat. Before I took part in the success symposium, I was little nervous but after that I thought it was good experience for me and then I will take part in things which I am interested positively, and I make myself grow up.
I do stretching every night before I slept, and I do it with listening to music on i-pod. I often use i-pod with shuffle, so I think the music which I listen to that time is the one which I need. I'm encouraged them so I will do it with i-pod.(359)
We enjoyed that chat. Before I took part in the success symposium, I was little nervous but after that I thought it was good experience for me and then I will take part in things which I am interested positively, and I make myself grow up.
I do stretching every night before I slept, and I do it with listening to music on i-pod. I often use i-pod with shuffle, so I think the music which I listen to that time is the one which I need. I'm encouraged them so I will do it with i-pod.(359)
~*Julia Roberts/BOOK REVIEW*~

I think Julia Roberts is one of famous Hollywood actress and many people love her. First time when I saw her is when the movie "Notting Hill" was broad casted on TV. Those days I was elementary school student or junior high school student and I was perfectly admitted her beauty and brilliance and quality of acting, intellect and style. Her charm point is big mouth, so her smile is loved a lot of people, and it cheers many people. However, her environment of family seems to be complexed. When she was five years, her parents got a divorce, and when she was ten years,her father suddenly dead. If I were in the situation, I would live with sorrow. Of course, she lived like that,however ,she have had bright beautiful smile which keeps now. I think that the smile is only her thing because she got over various hard problems in her life. Then she was often chose a role on various movie. Because of work as actress, popularity or sales of the movie effect on her life. She experienced various changes on her life. It is very attractive to work our favorite work, but I think to live is hard.(201)
Friday, March 14, 2008
~*based on 6th March's my diary*~
Recently, I am addicted to watch JUDY AND MARY's festival on animation site. JUDY AND MARY was monster music band and they were active from 1900's to beginning of 2000's. Regrettably, the band disbanded, but the band have been loved many people and many people have expacted the band revives since it had disbanded. I was a elementary student and junior high school student when the band were active, so I didn't know their detailed things and I have never gone to their music festival. If the band were active now,I surely would be fascinated by them. In fact, I bought their renewed best album which sold when I was 2nd grade of high school on that release day.
If I could return past, I would go the era when JUDY AND MARY were active. If I could that. I would watch their TV programs and go I like this band like that. I think that there are great musicians now music scene and I like many musicians and music groups. Therefore I enjoy their music as much as I can.
In addition, I offen Japanese music, so I want to listen European music too from now on, and I want to listen great music which describe the day I live.(211)
If I could return past, I would go the era when JUDY AND MARY were active. If I could that. I would watch their TV programs and go I like this band like that. I think that there are great musicians now music scene and I like many musicians and music groups. Therefore I enjoy their music as much as I can.
In addition, I offen Japanese music, so I want to listen European music too from now on, and I want to listen great music which describe the day I live.(211)
~*based on 5th March's my diary*~
I went to my school with my friend to take part in JEX's explanation of meeting. JEX is airline in Osaka. A man and woman came from there to explain about JEX for us. The woman works as Cabin Attendant. The explanation was explained with using power point , so I can understand clearly. JEX's cabin attendants work on the airplane and ground. Their works on the ground is various works. For example, they make in flight magazines, so they visit many places in Japan to interview. I watched many photograph which they interview and enjoy it. In addition, they entertain actively annual events like the Star Festival and Christmas. I think that they are so attractive because they are looked like happy to make visitors happy. It seemed that JEX grows up gradually, so I was interested in JEX, but that airline's international route is only route of China. I want to go Europe too, so it is little pity. Therefore, I will search other airlines harder. In addition, I think it is important to act which I am interested positively and to know things which I am interested and I like and my good points, various occupations. Then I want to do my best to work and makes for many people's happy.(214)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
~*based on 4th March's my diary*~
The other day,I talked about Fashion with my friend with, so I came to care about fashion minutely. There are various kind of fashion magazines in book store.
According to the search, these fashion magazine were divided "loose casual","conservative","gal".I think I often buy "loose casual" fashion magazine. In addition, fashion culture's sense of value can be divided four bloc. They are "Mode bloc" and "Dress design bloc", "Fashionable bloc", "Clothes bloc". "Mode bloc" is the professional of fashion's territory which people who loves clothes and know it through and through refer. The people who respect personality and don't satisfy only express originality, and sometimes improve clothes. In addition, they often wear used clothing's and they have confidence in their fashion sense. They are in "Dress design bloc". "Fashionable bloc" can call "Lifestyle bloc". People in this bloc thinks fashion is mirror which reflects their lifestyle. The people in "Clothes bloc" regard fashion as clothes. That is this bloc's characteristic. They think valance of price and quality is most important, and they are particular function of clothes. Their interests of fashion is generally low , but there are people who fix their appearance properly, on the other hand, there are people who indifferent to fashion. The range of this bloc is wide.
Now, there are various fashion culture bloc like that, I think it is important to know and admit indifferent sense of value. Then it becomes advantage for us and connect one's personality.(243)
According to the search, these fashion magazine were divided "loose casual","conservative","gal".I think I often buy "loose casual" fashion magazine. In addition, fashion culture's sense of value can be divided four bloc. They are "Mode bloc" and "Dress design bloc", "Fashionable bloc", "Clothes bloc". "Mode bloc" is the professional of fashion's territory which people who loves clothes and know it through and through refer. The people who respect personality and don't satisfy only express originality, and sometimes improve clothes. In addition, they often wear used clothing's and they have confidence in their fashion sense. They are in "Dress design bloc". "Fashionable bloc" can call "Lifestyle bloc". People in this bloc thinks fashion is mirror which reflects their lifestyle. The people in "Clothes bloc" regard fashion as clothes. That is this bloc's characteristic. They think valance of price and quality is most important, and they are particular function of clothes. Their interests of fashion is generally low , but there are people who fix their appearance properly, on the other hand, there are people who indifferent to fashion. The range of this bloc is wide.
Now, there are various fashion culture bloc like that, I think it is important to know and admit indifferent sense of value. Then it becomes advantage for us and connect one's personality.(243)
~*based on 3rd March's my diary*~
【Explanation meeting】
Today, I went to my school, because explanation meeting of JEX will be held on 5th March, so I did application to the Department of School Affairs with my friend. JEX is airlines in Osaka, and it is branch factory of JAL.I'm interested in Cabin Attendant as my future's job, so I search various airlines. My friend is interested in it too, so I felt relief at the news that she can also take part in it, because I have never taken part in explanation meeting since I had enter my school.
【Recent my thought】
I think that I am shy, so it takes long time to socialize many people. As I get along with my friends, I often be said "I thought that your character was so quiet, but now you looked like another person!!" Therefore, I want to behave like that from first time.I think many people can receive as our mind open. However, I think excessive is not good, so I want to be a person of great resolution and kindness and behave naturally.(183)
Today, I went to my school, because explanation meeting of JEX will be held on 5th March, so I did application to the Department of School Affairs with my friend. JEX is airlines in Osaka, and it is branch factory of JAL.I'm interested in Cabin Attendant as my future's job, so I search various airlines. My friend is interested in it too, so I felt relief at the news that she can also take part in it, because I have never taken part in explanation meeting since I had enter my school.
【Recent my thought】
I think that I am shy, so it takes long time to socialize many people. As I get along with my friends, I often be said "I thought that your character was so quiet, but now you looked like another person!!" Therefore, I want to behave like that from first time.I think many people can receive as our mind open. However, I think excessive is not good, so I want to be a person of great resolution and kindness and behave naturally.(183)
~*based on 2nd March's my diary*~
I went to "Ganban yoku" with my friend. We talked about various things. Through our talking, thing which I was impressed is this ward. "It is important to develop our good point which we have one by one." Many people which include me too , worry about bad points or things which we dislikes. However, people have good points too, so we can be attractive person to see and develop individual good points. Then I think it is ideal if we can repair our bad points during the process. In addition, I think I want to be able to express unaffected me. Of course, I think it is good thing to strive and leave myself my ideal , but only that, we will be rigid on my feeling and I think that people around me can be composed when we concern them with being unaffected. However, I think I should not forget the social manners or rules.
Then we talked about each other's fashion. My friend said that my fashion is individual. I said her "Your fashion is feminine." However, I think individual fashion fitter than feminine fashion for her, and she said that feminine fashion fitter than individual fashion for me. I have been interested individual fashion, so it is unexpected thing for me, but I think it is good opportunity for me to gain my new charm, so I am going to search feminine fashion.
☆I will work hard to be a woman who is refined!!☆(250)
Then we talked about each other's fashion. My friend said that my fashion is individual. I said her "Your fashion is feminine." However, I think individual fashion fitter than feminine fashion for her, and she said that feminine fashion fitter than individual fashion for me. I have been interested individual fashion, so it is unexpected thing for me, but I think it is good opportunity for me to gain my new charm, so I am going to search feminine fashion.
☆I will work hard to be a woman who is refined!!☆(250)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I write diary every day, so I will write my happenings of the day based on my diary from 1st March.
~*based on 1st March's diary*~
This afternoon,"GIRLY★FOLK" was delivered."GIRLY★FOLK" is artist book which is written about my favorite singer YUKI. I have many artist books. They are written by various kind of musicians and so on. I like artist books, because my hobbies or interests will increase from my favorite musician's hobbies which are written in the book. For example, a musician introduced her favorite movie, so I was interested and watched it. Now, I like the movie too. I was influenced but I was really impressed by it. I am happy to be wide range of my interest which I have not know. In addition, a female musician introduced a comic, and I found it in my home, but I have not read it because it was my brother's one. However, I thought that this was good chance,so I read it. Then I could see various witty remarks. Therefore, I will correct artist books which give me a chain of enjoyable, exciting, happy world I have not see now.
I will go "Ganban yoku" tomorrow with my friend from my junior high school days."Ganban yoku" is flat rock hot spring. Lying on it , we can be warm up inside our body. We go there about once two months. There are located near my house, and there are not so many people, and there is so comfortable. That is why, we call there "secret base". In there, we talk various things like our happy or interest or anger or worry things. Tomorrow, we will go there my driving, but I have not driven with sitting my friends, so I am little nervous, but I will endeavor to drive safety. In addition, I think I will introduce my favorite CDs to my friend. I will enjoy tomorrow.(326)
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