Monday, March 17, 2008

~*based on 8th March's my diary*~

I went to "Kumamoto Kenminn Kouryuu Kaikan" to take part in success symposium of JAL. I took airline course at a school in Kumamoto city last summer. In there , I learned manners or decency and works content of cabin attendant by teacher who have worked as cabin attendant. The letter about the success symposium was arrived from the school.JAL Kumamoto branch's branch chief came to talk about JAL. During the talking, there was questions time. At that time, a student questioned him "Why did you want to work in the airline world?" He answered "I want to know and visit various world because it is regrettable to stay in only Japan." That was so impressed me because I had thought that too, but I have forgotten long time, so it was good opportunity. In addition, it is the reason why I want to work the airline world. JAL's headquarters is in Tokyo, so he said "To come and to work in Tokyo will good experience on your life." Recently, I have been interested in Tokyo too, so I think that saying influenced me. After the success symposium, I went to "Mr. doughnuts" with my two friends who took part in it too. I bought three doughnuts. In the shop, we talked about various thing. For example, kimono which we will wear at Coming Age Ceremony, and part-time job. I would do it during this spring vacation, but I didn't it, because the shop which I have telephoned to work wanted people who can work wanted people who can works long time.

We enjoyed that chat. Before I took part in the success symposium, I was little nervous but after that I thought it was good experience for me and then I will take part in things which I am interested positively, and I make myself grow up.

I do stretching every night before I slept, and I do it with listening to music on i-pod. I often use i-pod with shuffle, so I think the music which I listen to that time is the one which I need. I'm encouraged them so I will do it with i-pod.(359)

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